Christopher Shackelford
Birth date:
WFT EST BET 1620 AND 1639
Birth place:
Old Alresford, South Hampton, Hampshire, England
Death date:
  WFT EST BET 1626 AND 1722
Death place:
  , , ,

Shackelford Family

Father: John Shackelford
Mother: John Shackelford
Spouse: Christopher Shackelford
Roger Shackelford
Sarah Shackelford
Christopher Shackelford
Sarah Shackelford
Charles Shackelford
John Shackelford
Charles Shackelford
John Shackelford
Anne Shackelford
Charles Shackelford
Ann Shackelford
Charles Shackelford
Christopher Shackelford
Anne Shackelford
Ingram Shackelford
Sarah Shackelford
John Jr. Shackelford
Anne Shackelford
Ingram Shackelford
John Shackelford
Sarah Shackelford