Grand-Duchess-of Russia Marie
Birth date:
5 OCT 1853
Birth place:
, , ,
Death date:
  24 OCT 1920
Death place:
  , , ,

Marie Family

Father: Tsar-of Russia Romanov Alexander-II
Mother: Marie of Hesse
Spouse: Duke-of Edinburgh Saxe-Coburg (Affie) Alfred
Alexandra of Russia
Nicholas of Russia
Alexander-Iii Tsar-of Russia Romanov (Sacha)
Vladimir Romanov of Russia
Grand Duke-of Russia Alexandrovich Alexei
Grand-Duchess-of Russia Marie
Grand Duke-of Russia Alexandrovitch Sergei
Paul of Russia
of Saxe-Coburg Alfred
Marie of Saxe-Coburg Gotha
Victoria Melita ('Ducky') of Saxe-Coburg
Alexandra Louise of Saxe Coburg
Beatrice of Saxe Coburg