Philippa De Dampmartin
Birth date:
ABT 1214
Birth place:
, , Seine-Maritime, France
Death date:
  BET 1277 AND 1281
Death place:
  , , Gelderland, Netherlands

Dampmartin Family

Father: Ii Simon
Mother: Marie
Spouse: Raoul D' Issoudun
Joan de Dammartin
Joan of Aumale
Joan Joana of Aumale
Johanna (Jeanne) De Dammartin Ctss Ponthieu
Joan or Johanna DeDammartin DePonthieu
Philippa De Dampmartin
Johanna of Ponthieu
Joanna De Dammartin
Philippa De Dammartin
Jeanne, Countess of Ponthieu
Joana De Castle
Alberic De Dammartin
Philippa De Dammartin
Joanna Dammartin
of Castile Joana
Joanna Queen of Castile Castile
Marie deDammartin
Agathe De Dammartin
Marie DeDammartin