Sarah Swett
Birth date:
BET 1650 AND NOV 7
Birth place:
Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Death date:
  BET 1717 AND DEC 8
Death place:
  Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States

Swett Family

Father: Benjamin Swett or Sweet
Mother: Esther Weare
Spouse: Morris Hobbs
John Sweet
Sarah Swett
Benjamin Swett
Joseph Swett
John Swett
Moses Swett
Hannah Swett
Elizabeth Swett
Stephen Swett
Mary Swett
Moses Swett
Hannah Swett
Elizabeth Swett
John Swett
Sarah Swett
John Swett
Moses Swett
Joseph Swett
Esther Swett
James Hobbs
Sarah Hobbs
Benjamin Hobbs
Morris Hobbs
Morris Hobbs
Joseph Hobbs
Jonathan Hobbs
Morris Hobbs
Esther Hobbs
Mary Hobbs
Sarah Hobbs
Mary Hobbs
John Hobbs