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OneGreatFamily Guest Newsletter

June 22, 2006

See More Ancestors, More Relationships, More Success

In This Issue:

How to See More Ancestors, More Relationships, More Success

Want to see success at OneGreatFamily? Submit Your Family Tree

Several people have asked us how they can be most successful using OneGreatFamily. The answer is actually quite simple: start by submitting everything you know about your family tree to OneGreatFamily.

The more information you supply to OneGreatFamily, the better chance OneGreatFamily has of finding matches and helping your family tree grow.

You don't need to subscribe to be able to submit your tree. You can submit your family tree and update your research using the OneGreatFamily online software for free. After getting started, you will need a subscription to view new growth identified by OneGreatFamily or to resolve hints and conflicts.

OneGreatFamily provides two ways to get started on your family tree. You can either 1) start from scratch by entering your name and the names of your ancestors or 2) submit a GEDCOM file to OneGreatFamily (if you are already using a family tree software package).

Here are some links that provide more helpful information about getting started at OneGreatFamily:

Getting Started at OneGreatFamily
View 2 Tutorial Videos that Explain Genealogy Browser™

After your family tree is started, OneGreatFamily will continue to look for possible matches on ALL of your ancestors ALL the time. You will also be able to contact other members of OneGreatFamily to collaborate on common research.

Have you had a success using OneGreatFamily you'd like to share? Send it to us today!

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Success at OneGreatFamily: I Am Amazed!

Finding Success at OneGreatFamily

Dear OneGreatFamily,

I am amazed! I input the information that I knew, and didn't check the site for a few days. I logged in and really didn't notice any changes. I went to search and once again put my great-grandfather's birthdate in (that's all I knew). All of a sudden, I got a hit and now, I know with certainly of my great grandfather's birth date and date of death, as well as his spouse's info and my great-great grandfather's and grandmother's names. I will continue to search now for the siblings, but I am soooo glad that on a whim I thought I would give the site one month to prove how helpful it was. I am surprised and happy that I picked the right site to continue my genealogy search.

Thank you,

Alisha Worthey

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Lisa Lights the Way

Organizing Genealogy Records

by Lisa South, Certified Genealogist

More than a few times, I have seen a large box plopped on my desk, followed by the exasperated request, "HELP!" When the "genealogy bug" first strikes, we begin gathering papers, pictures, and articles that might eventually help us in our research. It all just goes into a box or a notebook. Usually that box or notebook is totally out of control before we realize it needs to be organized, and so the task is overwhelming.

Here is a plan to help "conquer" the box.

I. Divide accumulated papers into three groups:

1. Family group sheets and pedigree charts

  1. File family group sheets alphabetically
  2. File pedigree charts numerically
2. Research aids
  1. File alphabetically by location
  2. Have a miscellaneous file for aids that don't fit a location
3. Documents
  1. Anything containing family information is considered a document
  2. Rules:
* Use a good ink pen (if possible, some libraries don't allow pens)
* Use the same size paper
* Use only one side of the paper
* Smaller papers should just be attached to a chosen size paper
* One surname per page

II. The filing system that works best for you is the best!

1. Computer programs

  1. Use the computer program that best suits your needs
  2. Learn the computer program before inputting any names

2. File - by surname, then family

  1. Family groups include:
* Husband
* Wife
* Children until married (after marriage start new family folder)
* Collateral families
* Possible families
  1. Have a copy of the family group sheet in a file or notebook
  2. Keep a document calendar and assign a document number
  3. Place a document number on each document
3. File - by surname, then locality
  1. File folders or notebook sections alphabetically
  2. Each folder or section should have a search calendar and a document Calendar
  3. Place a document number on each document

I used to keep correspondence calendars, and you may still choose to do that. Because email has changed the "face" of correspondence, I now keep that information as part of my search calendar.

A search calendar contains a record of EVERY search you make. If a document is produced during the search, give it a number and record it on the calendar. If not, indicate that the search does not need to be done again. Here is an example of a search calendar:

Doc. #
June 7, 2006 Land records of Greene, CO., Georgia 1
June 8, 2006 1850 Census of Greene, Co., Georgia NIL
June 8, 2006 Emailed for Ann's Marr. Date 2

A correspondence file is similar and contains copies of letters and emails sent and received. The correspondence calendar would list all the correspondence and the results, providing a quick overview without having to look through the entire folder.

For those of you who are just beginning, this probably seems like a lot of work, but I promise you by the time you have "the box", you will need to get some sort of organizational plan. You might want to file this article away under "research aids". Happy hunting!

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One Great Genealogy Site Award

Use to visit your ancestral roots and heritage in Europe. From personalized Clan Tours in the Highlands of Scotland and Great Britain to Jewish heritage tours in the Ukraine and Russia, they have the experience and expertise of dedicated travel professionals and genealogists to organize your homecoming and bring you back to your past.

  • Visit for more information
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    Managing Editor: Heather Matthews
    Contributors: Heather Matthews, Lisa South and Rob Armstrong
    Editor: Lani Hyer

    Last Week at OneGreatFamily

    302,784 people were added into the OneGreatFamily tree.

    229,943 new connections between family trees were found by our automated search system.

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